Academy Information

Longney CofE Primary Academy is a voluntary controlled Church of England academy, part of the Diocese of Gloucester Academy Trust. The school was originally founded in 1853 and began in the church of St Laurence in the village of Longney, before our main building was constructed. 

The Role of the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust in Education

The aim of the Trust is to provide children of all faiths and none with excellent educational provision within a caring and supportive Christian ethos. The Trust has, at the centre of its mission and purpose, the belief that every child has a right to educational excellence through the provision of high quality schooling. The principle aim of the Trust is to enable each school within the Diocese to provide the best possible education for every child, helping them to reach their full potential.
For further information on DGAT's Mission and Purpose and to access the website,please click on this link: DGAT website
Academy Accounts and Financial Information 
Longney CE Primary School became a converter academy in November 2015 with The Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust (DGAT). It is a requirement of the EFA and DfE that every academy publish their accounts online.

The Diocese of Gloucester Academy Trust accounts can be downloaded from this section of the website as combined accounts. Each academy has their accounts broken down in the main DGAT accounts as part of the MAT.