We were delighted to receive our fourth School Games Gold Award this July as recognition of all the sport our pupils compete in across the year.
At Longney CE Primary we believe that quality PE is an essential part of our curriculum. Every child receives at least two P.E. lessons a week and across the year all children will participate in a range of sports and activities. We also have a number of extra-curricular clubs and opportunities to represent one of the many school sport teams.
As well as this, we are providing the children with opportunities to develop existing skills with professional coaching or have a go at completely new sports. This is due to the primary sports funding which allows us to give the children these experiences. We have also developed the opportunities our children get to be active during lunchtimes, with a new lunchtime rota in place with aims to get all of our children taking part in physical exercise during their lunch hour. For further details, please read our Sports Premium Statement below.
We were delighted to receive our fourth School Games Gold Award this July as recognition of all the sport our pupils compete in across the year.